Sunday, December 18, 2016

Soak Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar And This Is What Happens.That is Amazing!

Apple cider vinegar is a real wonder obtained through a process of fermentation. Who could have imagined that fermented apples can be so good?
Raw apple cider vinegar is a common addition to meals and salad dressings. It is packed with essential nutrients, and it is sometimes used as a skin care product. Apple cider vinegar is one of the greatest alternative remedies as well.
Historical data says that there were time when apple cider vinegar had been more appreciated than pure gold. It has been used for medical purposes. Components in unpasteurized apple cider vinegar heal wounds, boost energy, eliminate dandruff, etc.
Can you imagine adding apple cider vinegar to your regular foot soak? It is one of the greatest home treatment for stinky feet. Check the video below and learn more about the benefits provided by apple cider vinegar.
Pay special attention to number!
Sources and References:

Friday, December 16, 2016

Seafood Farmed in Asia is Full of Pig Feces and Antibiotics, Here’s How to Tell If Yours is Safe

Natural, untainted shrimp is an extremely healthy food, as it is abundant in protein, very low in fat, that is, 75 grams of protein for every 1 gram of fat.

Shrimps are loaded with omega 3- fatty acids, vitamin B12, and D.
However, this is not the case with numerous kinds of the shrimp sold in the U.S., as they have been harvested and raised in a completely different way.
Namely, one of the biggest importers of shrimp in America is Vietnam, with over 100 million pounds of shrimp annually, that is, almost 8% of all shrimp consumed in the United States.
In the last twenty years, the requirements of shrimp in the U.S. have gone increasingly high, which caused a competition in the market for seafood. Moreover, this situation has led to attempts to keep up with the competition, even if it demanded reduced safety and health standards.
Research has discovered that farmers who raise shrimp in Vietnam freeze it before it is exported to the United States, but in water that is not safe for consumption.
The microbiologist Mansour Samadpour, specialized in investigating water used for shellfish farming, claims that the water they use actually support the development of diseases and bacteria.
Samadpour states that: “Those conditions — ice made from dirty water, animals near the farms, pigs — are unacceptable.”
Yet, this is not the only food which is raised on low health regulation in Asia. Namely, the investigation has found a farm of tilapia in Yangjiang, China, uses feces from geese and pigs to feed their fish.
Michael Doyle, director of the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety, claims that this causes the growth of numerous bacterial disease. He says that:
“The manure the Chinese use to feed fish is frequently contaminated with microbes like salmonella.”
We are all aware of the fact that farmed seafood is much worse that the wild-caught one, as the farmed shellfish and fish are loaded with dangerous antibiotics.
Yet, a study by Consumer Report gave another reason to consume farmed seafood only, as they found that farmed shrimp has higher levels of dangerous bacteria along with antibiotics, giving us a new reason to avoid farmed seafood.
Farmed seafood is extremely high with bacteria and antibiotics, which can be understood if you consider the condition in which it is produced.
Despite all this, these animals are also crammed into tight spaces during their lifetime, which also supports the spread of disease throughout them.
One study, conducted on 342 frozen shrimp samples, found that 60% of them have either vibrio, listeria, salmonella, or E.coli. Moreover, researchers also discovered traces of sulfa antibiotics, oxytetracycline, and enrofloxacin in them.
Therefore, 94% of all imported shrimp sold in the U.S. originates from Asia, from countries like Vietnam, India, Thailand, or Indonesia. Yet, the farming conditions in these countries are extremely low and result in disease spread, and overuse of antibiotics.
Consumer Report also conducted a study which showed that raw, wild-caught shrimp from America contains the lowest amounts of bacteria of all examined samples.
Therefore, it is highly advisable that you avoid these kinds of fish, and consume local and wild-caught shellfish and fish, as even if it is cheaper, imported farmed seafood is extremely harmful as it is loaded with antibiotic residue and bacteria which endanger your health to a great extent.
Sources and References: -- Original Article Source

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The World’s Biggest Bottled Water Brand Admits: It’s Just Tap Water

The largest botled water brand in the world, Aqualina, has finally admitted that the water they sell is exactly the same as the tap water.

Under the pressure from Accountability International, they have changed their labels to specify P.W.S. — Public Water Source. Despite the fact that this water is purified and filtered, it is basically the same water from the bathroom sink and the toilet bowl.
In an interview with , Nick Colas, the ConvergEx Group chief market strategist said that:
“The [bottled water] industry grossed a total of $11.8 billion on those 9.7 billion gallons in 2012, making bottled water about $1.22/gallon nationwide and 300x the cost of a gallon of tap water,” Colas says. “If we take into account the fact that almost 2/3 of all bottled water sales are single 16.9oz (500 mL) bottles, though, this cost is much, much higher: about $7.50 per gallon, according to the American Water Works Association. That’s almost 2,000x the cost of a gallon of tap water and twice the cost of a gallon of regular gasoline.”
The trade group Beverage Marketing Association states that around half of all the bottled water sold in America is in fact purified tap water. What’s more, most municipal tap water meets more purity standards than bottled water. For instance, large public water supplied are asked by the EPA to test the water for contaminants several times daily, while the FDA demands that the private bottles are tested for contaminants only once a year, or once in 4 years.
Also, you should know that the labels ”mountain water” and “glacier water” do not mean anything, as they are not FDA standard phrases.
Furthermore, you can benefit a lot from filetering your water at home. You can use an efficient water filter which will purify the water, such as the Berkey water filter system.
In this way, you will no longer need to buy bottled water, you will save a lot of money, and you will be sure that you are drinking healthy and filtered water.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Leave All Doctors Surprised: Apply This Remedy and Your Hair Will Grow Faster Than Ever

Hair is one of the most important physical attributes, and therefore, its condition significantly affects the look and self-esteem of the individual.

Due to this, women especially, spend huge sums of money on hair products and treatment.
Numerous people suffer from hair loss, which is a major hair issue and might be a result of numerous factors, including hormonal changes, stress, regular dying, or excessive use of the dryer, irons or curling irons.
Studies have shown that hair loss might also be caused by unhealthy diet and nutritional deficiencies. The number of hairs of an adult varies between 100,000 and 150,000, and they constantly grow and fall within a cycle called a hair cycle.
Dermatologists claim that the average daily drop is 60 to 100 hairs. Yet, if the number of fallen hairs exceeds these limits, it is of high important to specify the cause and address it properly.
However, despite being expensive, commercial hair products and treatments use dangerous chemicals which do harm at the same time.
On the other hand, there is a completely natural homemade treatment which will provide amazing effects and stimulate the growth of your hair!
The efficacy of this remedy has been confirmed by numerous dermatologists, and this is how to prepare it:
  • One egg yolk
  • 1/2 a banana
  • Half a glass of beer
  • One tablespoon of organic honey

All you need to do is to mix these ingredients in order to prepare a paste. Then, apply it to the areas on the head where you lack hair, and leave it to act for 2 hours. Afterward, just wash it off.
The effects are impressive and you will be amazed when you notice that your hair grows like crazy!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

This Mother Has a Warning for Anyone Thinking of Using This Common Home Remedy for Nasal Congestion and Coughs on Their Kids

It might be hard to believe, after all, many of us had used Vick VapoRub. It seems like a harmless ointment, effective for fever, nasal congestion, and many other affections.

Many people can look back on those sick times from their childhood and remember using a bit of Vick’s VapoRub to help with the coughs and any congestion, but it turns out that may not have been the best idea we ever had. One mother from Mexico wanted to share her story and we thought you should hear about it, because no one would ever reasonably expect what happened to her. She came home from work one day and noticed her 2-year-old toddler had a bit of a fever when she got close to him. Figuring it was something simple like the common cold (it usually is) she opted for a little home remedy versus heading in to a doctors office.

In the end she decided to rub some Vick’s on his chest, under his nose and on his back to help break up the mucus. Since she had just gotten home from work she herself was a bit exhausted so the two passed out side by side, the mother just never expected it to be the last time she would get that chance.

It turns out that while VapoRub is great for clearing out congestion in adults, in children it increases mucus production by around 60%. Her baby suffocated right beside her while they slept. She immediately grabbed her child’s body and took him to a hospital where doctors confirmed it, the camphor from the rub had caused too much inflammation in the respiratory tract. Her baby had been dead for hours by the time the doctors were able to declare it.
This is exactly why she wanted to tell her story, so no other parent would ever have to live through the torture of losing their child to something so unexpected. While it does state on the label not to use on children younger than 3 those warnings are hardly read by anyone, on any product, so there really can’t be judgement passed on the mother here. This was just an unfortunate accident with even more unfortunate results, but at the very least it doesn’t have to happen to anyone else!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Do You Drink Coffee In The Morning On An Empty Stomach? Read This Article

There is no doubt that coffee is very beneficial for your body, but you should not drink it on an empty stomach, especially in the morning.
The consumption of a cup of black coffee on an empty stomach leads to the release of hydrochloric acid inside your digestive tract. If you already suffer from gastritis, then you have surely experienced this.

The acid acts as a “violation” of the food in our stomach. When you eat something “heavy”, it can cause problems with digestion, since it would lead to a difficult digestion of proteins.
When proteins are not fully decomposed, it can lead to other problems such as inflammation of the bowel, bloating, irritation and even cancer of the colon.
For these reasons, experts warn that coffee should never be consumed in the morning when you wake up. The reason is that the coffee will increase the level of cortisol very quickly and the body will take a long time to return to its normal state. This hormone controls our biological clock and the ability to stay awake.
Moreover, the consumption of coffee on an empty stomach will increase the level of acid in the stomach, which can lead to bloating and vomiting.

Therefore,  you should drink coffee an hour after waking up. It means that you have to eat something before, even if it was only a slice of bread.
If you’re the type of person who cannot start their day without a cup of coffee, then there is another trick you can use to reduce the harmful effects: add a little milk or butter in your coffee.

These Diseases Are All Caused by Microwave Ovens, and You’ve Probably Ignored Them!

The magnetron is a special tube which produced microwave power created by two scientists in World War II.

In combination with the radar system of Britain, these microwaves had the capacity to locate the Nazi airplanes and foiled an attempted bombing.
After few years, these microwaves were found to be able to cook food, by Percy LeBaron Spencer, a member of the military industrial complex known as Raytheon Company. Namely, radar waves melted a candy bar he kept in his pocket.
This eventually led to the creation of the Radar Range, which was the first microwave oven, in extremely large proportions.
The reason we speak about the beginnings of microwave ovens is that they explain a lot about their nature, and indicate why numerous researchers object against their use nowadays.
To clarify this, microwave ovens have around 2.45 billion hertz, which are not dangerous only if the microwave does not leak.
Regarding the fact that it has been proven that the frequency amount which endangers health is just a measly 10 hertz, you should always make sure you are not near your microwave when it is on.
These are the side-effects of microwaves, confirmed by numerous studies:
  • Weakened immune system
  • Greater susceptibility to illness
  • Birth defects
  • Cataracts
  • Reduced resistance to viral and bacterial infections
  • Cancer
On the other hand, these are the effects of microwave ovens to food:
  • The Swiss scientist Hans Hertel conducted a study which showed that microwave ovens eliminate the nutrients from our food
  • The radiation from these ovens deforms and destroys the food molecules, leading to the creation of harmful radioactive compounds
  • In 1992, a study from the Search for Health conducted a study in 1992 which showed that microwaves led to the following issues in participants:
  • Reduced hemoglobin which led to an anemic-like conditions
  • Significant rise in cholesterol levels
  • Increased leukocytes, indicating cell damage and poisoning
  • Fall in white blood cells
  • The structure of the microwaved Infant formulas was greatly damaged, and the components of amino acids were altered, leading to immunological abnormalities
  • Microwaved breast milk was deprived of 96% of its antibodies
Therefore, even though you are sure that your microwave oven is completely sealed, you are again exposed to dangerous levels of electromagnetic fields, or EMF, which enter the body and lead to severe health issues.

Undoubtedly, these ovens pose an extremely great risk to your health. The recommended maximum exposure by the EPA is about .5mG – 2.5mG of EMF. Note that just being 4 inches away from the microwave while on makes you exposed to 100 – 500mG, while a distance of 3 feet away exposes you to 1 – 25mG.
We cannot deny that microwave ovens are the fastest and convenient way to cook your food. Yet, your own health and the health of your family should always be your priority, and it has been proven that these ovens significantly damage it, so you should focus on reducing or completely eliminating their effects.

Why Should You Put Onions In Your Socks Before Going To Bed?

Onions are one of the healthiest vegetables on the planet, and they offer countless health benefits. They are high in dietary fiber, manganese, and vitamin B6.
Onions can provide numerous health benefits, including:
  • Onions destroy germs and bacteria due to the potent antibacterial and antiviral properties
  • They boost the immune system, as they are rich in phytochemicals and vitamin C
  • Onions contain quercetin which effectively prevents cancer
  • They regulate blood sugar as they are high in chromium
  • The bright green tops of green onions are abundant in vitamin A
  • Onions reduce the risk of gastric ulcers as they fight free radicals.
  • They treat infections and soothe inflammation
  • The juice treats pain and burning sensation due to a honey bee sting.
  • Raw onions support heart health as they reduce the production of LDL, bad cholesterol
Onions are also excellent in purifying the blood, as they can efficiently flush out toxins from the body.
The phosphoric acid enters the bloodstream and cleanses the blood by killing bacteria and germs. Additionally, the topical use will purify the air and destroy bacteria and germs.
All you need to do is to apply a few slices of onion at the bottom of your feet. The feet have many meridians or points which according to the traditional Chinese medicine, are linked to the internal organs.
In this way, these points will serve as pathways to the nervous system and the other internal organs. Also, we suggest that you often walk barefoot to activate the meridians.

You should get a few organic onions, and cut them into slices. Then, before going to bed, place a large slice on the bottom of each foot, and put on your socks. Leave the onions to act until the morning.
This will purify your blood, as the skin will absorb the phosphoric acid. Also, the antibacterial and antiviral properties will destroy bacteria and germs, and the onions will also purify the air.


Fruits are very good for your body, but still there are combinations that could be fatal.

Various studies have shown that eating more than two of these foods at the same time, can cause discomfort in the case of adults, and, in the case of infants it can be fatal.
If you do not want to make a terrible mistake, then you have to remember the listed foods that you should never combine no matter what.
-Banana and pudding – this combo creates stomach heaviness in adults, slowing down the mind and increasing the production of toxins. In case of infants, it may be fatal.
-Orange with carrot  –  Although this combination is very popular in places where they sell natural juices, intake of both things at once produces heartburn, excess bile reflux and heartburn, as well as damage to the renal system, which is the origin of more serious diseases.
-Pineapple and milk – the presence of bromelain causes he body to become intoxicated, causing you feel stomach gas, nausea, headache, and stomach pain. You can also develop an infection or experience diarrhea.
-Papaya with lemon  –  This combination makes you develop anemia and problems with your hemoglobin (protein in your blood), avoid it at all costs and please do not risk giving it to your children.

-Guava and banana – they will cause gas and acidosis, thus you will start feeling nauseous and heaviness, headaches, and stomache.
Orange with milk  –  If you are someone who accompanies the cereal or oatmeal with orange juice stop it! Orange makes your stomach unable to process the starches present in the cereal. In addition, when orange juice and milk are mixed in the stomach it is difficult to digest, especially in the case of children. 
-Vegetables and fruits – fruits have more sugar, thus vegetables cannot be digested properly. They stay in the stomach while the fruit ferments and produces more toxins, causing many diseases and ailments like stomach pain, infections, diarrhea, and headache. Fruits can be mixed with their own kind.
Here are some suggestions and groups are divided:
-Sweet – they don’t contain acids and those are: peach, apple, banana, plum, cantaloupe, and watermelon.
-Acid  –   As the name implies, these fruits are rich in citric acid, as an example are grapefruit, orange, lemon, blueberries, kiwi, grapes and pineapple. 

-Semi-acid – there are low levels of acidity present in these fruits and those are: strawberry, raspberry, mango, and green apple.
-Neutral  –  Those that have more protein, vitamins, salts and oils. Good examples are avocado, coconut, peanuts, almonds and walnuts. If in case you have any doubts you can freely consult a nutritionist.


Eggs are incredibly healthy and should be part of your regular diet.

They are an easy- obtainable, versatile and inexpensive source of proteins. Furthermore, they are rich in amino acids, iron and antioxidants. Moreover, eggs also improve your health, since each 85-calorie eggs packs a solid 7 grams of the muscle-builder.

You should eat the whole egg, as its yolk contains a fat-fighting nutrient called choline. Thus, it can help you reduce excess pounds.

Nevertheless, you need to be careful and always look at the labels of eggs, and choose organic ones. Organic eggs do not contain antibiotics, hormones and vaccines, and their quality is regulated by the USDA.
On the other hand, this is not the case with their color. Namely, Molly Morgan, RD, a board certified sports specialist dietician based in upstate New York, claims that the color of the egg differs according to the type of the chicken, but the nutritional value is the same.
Eggs are extremely healthy food, so it is highly advisable to include them in your daily menu.
Here are 12 most important reasons to do so:
Cholesterol became known as “bad” cholesterol because particles transport their fat molecules into artery walls, and drive atherosclerosis — basically, gumming up of the arteries. (particles, by contrast, can removefat molecules from artery walls.) But not all  particles are made equal, and there are various subtypes that differ in size. Bigger is definitely better — many studies have shown that people who have predominantly small, dense  particles have a higher risk of heart disease than people who have mostly large particles. Here’s the beauty part: Even if eggs tend to raise cholesterol in some people, studies show that the particles change from small and dense to large, slashing the risk of cardiovascular problems.
If you don’t want to play chicken with infections, viruses and diseases, add an egg or two to your diet daily. Just one large egg contains almost a quarter (22%) of your RDA of selenium, a nutrient that helps support your immune system and regulate thyroid hormones. Kids should eat eggs, especially. If children and adolescents don’t get enough selenium, they could develop Keshan disease and Kashin-Beck disease, two conditions that can affect the heart, bones and joints.

There are three ideas about cholesterol that practically everyone knows: 1) High cholesterol is a bad thing; 2) There are good and bad kinds of cholesterol; 3) Eggs contain plenty of it. Doctors are generally most concerned with the ratio of “good” cholesterol (HDL) to bad cholesterol (LDL). One large egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, but this doesn’t mean that eggs will raise the “bad” kind in the blood. The body constantly produces cholesterol on its own, and a large body of evidence indicates that eggs can actually improve your cholesterol profile. How? Eggs seem to raise HDL (good) cholesterol while increasing the size of LDL particles.
Just one egg contains about 15% of your RDA of vitamin B2, also called riboflavin. It’s just one of eight B vitamins, which all help the body to convert food into fuel, which in turn is used to produce energy. Eggs are just one of the25 Best Foods for a Toned Body!
B-complex vitamins are also necessary for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. (In addition to vitamin B2, eggs are also rich in B5 and B12.) They also help to ensure the proper function of the nervous system. For more foods full of B vitamins, click here for this list of the essential 40 Best Foods for Muscle and Strength!
Eggs are such a good source of quality protein that all other sources of protein are measured against them. (Eggs get a perfect score of 100.) Many studies have demonstrated the effect of high-protein foods on appetite. Simply put, they take the edge off. You might not be surprised to learn that eggs score high on a scale called the Satiety Index, a measure of how much foods contribute to the feeling of fullness.
Largely because of their satiating power, eggs have been linked with fat loss. A study on this produced some remarkable results: Over an eight-week period, people ate a breakfast of either eggs or bagels, which contained the same amount of calories. The egg group lost 65% more body weight, 16% more body fat, experienced a 61% greater reduction in BMI and saw a 34% greater reduction in waist circumference!
Eggs are brain food. That’s largely because of an essential nutrient calledcholine. It’s a component of cell membranes and is required to synthesize acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. Studies have shown that a lack of choline has been linked to neurological disorders and decreased cognitive function. Shockingly, more than 90% of Americans eat less than the daily recommended amount of choline, according to a U.S. dietary survey.
Among the lesser-known amazing things the body can do: It can make 11 essential amino acids, which are necessary to sustain life. Thing is, there are 20 essential amino acids that your body needs. Guess where the other 9 can be found? That’s right. A lack of those 9 amino acids can lead to muscle wasting, decreased immune response, weakness, fatigue, and changes to the texture of your skin and hair.
If you’re deficient in the 9 amino acids that can be found in an egg, it can have mental effects. A 2004 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences described how supplementing a population’s diet with lysine significantly reduced anxiety and stress levels, possibly by modulating serotonin in the nervous system. For more relaxing foods, check out these 20 Foods That Keep You Slim for Life!
Two antioxidants found in eggs — lutein and zeaxanthin — have powerful protective effects on the eyes. You won’t find them in a carton of Egg Beaters — they only exist in the yolk. The antioxidants significantly reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, which are among the leading causes of vision impairment and blindness in the elderly. In a study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, participants who ate 1.3 egg yolks per day for four-and-a-half weeks saw increased blood levels of zeaxanthin by 114-142% and lutein by 28-50%!
12. Eggs provide much energy
Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is part of the eight B-group vitamins.  These vitamins are extremely beneficial for the body, as they promote the energy production, by converting the consumed food into fuel. Namely, an egg contains 15 percent of your RDA of vitamin B2! Apart from energizing your body, eggs enter the list of 25 best foods for a nice toned body.