Friday, September 30, 2016

Old German Remedy for Cleansing the Arteries

Today, we will reveal the recipe of an incredible old German recipe that will effectively cleanse your arteries, and will inhibit calcification.  Apart from these primary uses, it contains powerful natural ingredients that will positively affect your overall health.

  • 1 smaller piece of ginger root
  • 4 unpeeled lemons (if possible, organic)
  • 4 large garlic cloves (not Chinese)
  • 2 liters (½ gallon) water
Method of preparation:
Wash the lemons and the ginger, chop them in pieces and place them in a blender. Then, peel the garlic and add it to the other ingredients in the blender. Mix them well and then pour the prepared mixture in a bowl.
Add the water to it and put the mixture over heat. Remove it just before it boils and let it cool. As soon as it is cool enough, strain it using a medium strainer.
The remedy should be kept in the fridge in glass bottles.
Remember that you need to shake the bottle with the recipe before each use. Half a cup of this amazing recipe should be consumed on an empty stomach or at least 2 hours before meals.
Repeat this procedure for three weeks, and make a week- pause. Then, if needed, you can repeat the treatment once more.
Note: You should not worry about the garlic smell, as it is neutralized during the preparation process.

If You Eat Garlic And Honey On An Empty Stomach For 7 Days, This Is What Happens To Your Body

Garlic is present in almost every kind of cuisine on earth.
Not only is it flavorful, it’s also incredibly powerful at healing common ailments.
Although garlic is often served cooked, eating it raw can actually transform this popular spice into a potent medicine .

When it comes to heart health, garlic helps to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent coronary heart disease and heart attack as well as reverse the effects of atherosclerosis.
The bulb is also great for everyday health problems like hayfever, traveler’s diarrhea, cold and flu, bug bites and fungal infections.
When it comes to common health problems, eating garlic regularly can help manage the symptoms of oestoarthritis, diabetes and an enlarged prostate.
The bulb also helps boots your immune system and your body’s ability to get rid of toxins. Combined with ginger and onion, it can even help you detox from chemotherapy.

How To Use Garlic
It’s better to eat garlic raw, since it’s active ingredient, allicin, is denaturalized by heat. For best results, crush and chop up the clove and leave it for 15 minutes before eating. Crushing the bulb activates a chemical reaction that make allicin more bioavailable.
As for why you should eat it on an empty stomach, it’s quite simple really: When your stomach is overwhelmed with food, it can be harder for your body to process and absorb all the nutrients the food has to offer.
A great way to add raw garlic to your diet is to mix it with honey:
  1. Take 2-3 cloves of garlic and chop them into small pieces.
  2. Mix it with a spoonful of honey.
Eat this mixture every day and you’ll feel more energized and healthy within a week.
How To Make A Garlic Flu Tonic
Please consider wearing gloves if you have sensitive skin, and try not to rub your eyes as you put this tonic together, as some of the natural oils can causes a skin rash or burn.
  • Half a yellow onion, roughly chopped
  • 5 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped
  • 2 red chili peppers, roughly chopped
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of ginger, roughly chopped
  • Juice of one lemon
  • Apple cider vinegar, organic, unfiltered and raw
  1. Start with a 350 mL to 500 mL mason jar and fill with the roughly chopped onion.
  2. Add the roughly chopped garlic next.
  3. Follow with the red chili peppers, seeds and all.
  4. Then carefully layer some chopped ginger
  5. Squeeze you lemon into a separate bowl, discard the seeds and pour the juice next.
  6. Top off mason jar with apple cider vinegar, leaving about a cm of room at the top.
  7. Cap your jar and leave on your counter or in a pantry.
  8. Your sore throat, cold, and flu tonic is ready for use!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Boil A Banana, Drink Water Before Bed And See What Happens!

#1 Insomnia and Stress

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Awesome Beauty Hacks Every Girl Needs To Know

#1 Beautiful Clear Skin.

You will be rewarded with clear skin if you exercise regularly and include healthy foods in your diet. For best results, make sure you decrease your intake of junk food.

#2 Lose Weight With Minimal Effort.

Alter your diet to include more vegetables and less meat.

#3 Tame Ingrown Nails.

- Soften the problem nail by soaking it in warm water for 10-20 min.
- Apply an anti-fungal cream, and cover the nail with a bandage.
- Repeat procedure twice per day until the problem is cured.

#4 Tone A Double Chin And Freshen Your Breath.

Simply chew a stick of sugar free gum several times per day.

#5 Remove Teeth Stains With A Banana Peel.

Rub the inside of the banana peel over your teeth in ten minute sessions. Do this two times per week and your stains will lift away!

#6 Honey Soft Skin.

Apply a thin layer of honey to your skin three times a week as a moisturizer.

#7 Lift Out Yellow Discolorations From Nails.

- Add toothpaste and a drop or two of lemon to a dish and mix thoroughly.
- Work the mixture directly into any discolored nails, and watch the yellow lift out.

This Is What Happens When You Drink Only Water For 30 Days

#1 Water: The Key To Life

People often forget the simplest things. Water, the key to all life. 90% of your body is water. The healthiest thing to drink is not juice, or smoothies or protein shakes- it's water.

#2 It Increases Your Metabolism

Drinking as much water as possible boosts your metabolism by up to 24%. Drink ice cold water for best results.

#3 Water Causes Weight Loss

Not only does water not have any sugar, it also cleans out your entire body. Drinking tons of water flushes your body of all those nasty toxins, and other things that contribute to weight gain.

#4 Water Increases Bone Strength

Water increases bone strength by adding a protective barrier around them, and strengthening cartilage. It also increases flexibility and keeps the connective tissue strong.

#5 Water Keeps The Heart Healthy

Water prevents your blood from getting too thick, making heart attacks less of a threat. Water also decreases your risk of stroke.

#6 The Aging Process Slows

Water helps to slow down the aging process. It really makes the skin healthy and young looking. One forty year old woman removed all the bags under her eyes and wrinkles by drinking 3 liters of water per day.

#7 Water Is Great For Your Brain

A recent study showed that drinking 8 to 10 cups of water a day can increase your brain power by up to 30%. The study showed that water makes you brain stronger, faster, and smarter.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

This will shock you, but this juice successfully prevents cancer, diabetes, gastritis and lowers blood pressure

Did you know that the juice of potato is more effective than any medicine and proven to treat cancer, diabetes, gastritis, high blood pressure and many other serious illnesses?

Useful properties of raw potatoes have long been known to folk medicine, but despite that, we still think it should not be consumed raw potatoes. It’s a mistake, because in its raw form, potatoes are very healthy and extremely useful food.

With numerous misconceptions regarding the consumption of potatoes, it is worth mentioning that the prevailing opinion is that it is necessary to peel off the potatoes before eating, because its shell is poisonous.

In fact, the shell of organically grown potatoes does not contain any substances that are harmful to health.

Immature potatoes with green skin and potatoes sprout can be dangerous. The danger lies in solanine – the poison that exists in germ and green parts of potatoes. However, in such a potato you can easily remove the shell before use.

Potatoes as a cure for many serious diseases

Many prominent experts, such as John Lesindzer and Dr. John Tucakov, wrote about the healing properties of potato juice.

Lesindzer believes that the potato juice is a natural medicine for the treatment of gastritis, one of the most common diseases of modern times.

He recommends taking one tablespoon of potato juice diluted with a little water, half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In the treatment of duodenal and stomach are advised to take half deciliter of potato juice on an empty stomach, and then half deciliter half an hour before lunch and dinner.

Dr John Tucakov claims that the juice of the potato has a beneficial effect on reducing blood sugar levels, as well as in the treatment of lung diseases and respiratory diseases and even severe illnesses such as emphysema.

Buddhist monk Tomizawa, author of the book “The road to a healthy lifestyle: Cancer is nothing to fear,” according to the daily consumption of half a pint of potato juice can greatly contribute to cure cancer and other serious diseases.

To conclude on the efficiency of potato in the fight against cancer, is gradually coming through scientific research.

Kagamine Professor of Medicine University of Akita (Japan), has managed to isolate the substance of raw potatoes, which proved to be effective in suppressing the growth of tumor cells in mice. The results of this research were published in the International Congress for the fight against cancer, which was held in Germany.

Juice of potato is used as a part of the famous Broy’s cancer therapy.
Today, the potato is gaining importance as an effective tool in the fight against diseases of the kidneys and liver, but also in cases of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, lumbago, rheumatism and so on.

Notwithstanding the positive effects in the treatment of serious diseases, drinking juice of raw potato is an excellent tool for strengthening the immune system.

In addition, it helps in reducing the frequent headaches and menstrual pain.

If you feel weak or exhausted, drink juice made from a single medium-sized potato, carrots and apples, once daily in the morning and evening, and in only two weeks you will get back the good health condition.

Benefits of the juice of potatoes:

  • boosts immunity
  • cleanses the body of toxins
  • treat skin diseases
  • used to fight cancer
  • helps with gastritis and other stomach problems
  • It lowers blood sugar
  • aids in liver and kidney ailments
  • protects against cardiovascular disease
  • The potato peel is contributing to the detoxification of the body and is the source of many nutrients.

If you eat unpeeled potatoes, especially raw, your body will get a lot of valuable ingredients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins C and B6, potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc.

It is important to note that vitamin C loses while cooking, which is really a great pity, because the raw potato medium size (150 grams) is as much as 27 mg of vitamin C, which makes 45% of the recommended daily intake of this vitamin.

Among other things, the potato is very effective in treating skin problems and gives a clean and radiant complexion, and skin without acne and blackheads.

Due to its antiseptic properties, it’s great cleaner for skin problems, and because it contains a high percentage of vitamin C and starch, nourishes the skin and prevents its aging. If you grind and apply as a face mask, it will clean and tighten the skin.

In addition, it can help in the fight against cellulite. For this purpose, it is enough to regularly rub critical areas slices of raw potato.

Preparing juice of potatoes

Preparing potato juice is easy. First, wash the potatoes and remove all the seeds and green parts of the crust.

Then cut into thin slices, wrap in a cloth fabric and squeeze the juice. You can also use the juicer.

You should always drink freshly prepared juice from potatoes, and you can mix it with fruit and vegetables of your choice, such as apples and carrots, lemon juice and honey to taste.

Source: cuisineandhealth

Fat Burning Drink – It Will Shrink Your Waist And Melt The Belly Fat

Large number of women reduced their waist in a very short time, thanks to this recipe, of course supported with some exercises. This fat burning drink eliminates the excess water from the organism and burns fat, improves brain function, memory, hearing and vision.

Consumed together ginger and lemon are considered to be the best natural fat burning formula that can help complement your weight loss diet.

Ginger can increase the pH level of the stomach and stimulate the digestive enzymes and can improve the digestion. In this way the essential nutrients are absorbed very quickly, while the non-essential foods that can cause constipation and bloating are eliminated from the body quickly. These processes contribute to losing weight very fast.

Lemons are abundant with vitamin C which on other side is inversely related to your body mass. High amount of vitamin C in the organism helps to activate a series of chemical reactions that will burn down the excess fat for use as energy.

Cinnamon can impact the most problematic area for many people – abdominal fat. Cinnamon burns the abdominal fat more effectively than fat found in other parts of your body. Cinnamon controls the insulin levels in our body; it has unique capacity to imitate the activity of insulin in the body, in that way regulates the blood sugar levels.

Horseradish is very beneficial when it is consumed along with fatty foods because it stimulates digestion. Horseradish cleans the organism, boosts the metabolism, eliminates fatty deposits, so it is often recommended to diabetics. It also stimulates the creation and development of useful bacteria in the intestine.

Horseradish is rich with vitamin C, B1, B6, B2, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. Add it to your meals or use it as a natural remedy, the choice is yours.

How to prepare this miraculous fat burning drink

4.6 oz horseradish (130 grams)
3 organic lemons
4 tsp honey
2 tsp cinnamon
1 inch ginger


Blend 125g of horseradish and 1 piece of ginger (2cm). Take unpeeled lemons and cut them into chunks. Clean the seeds. Blend the lemon pieces together with the horseradish.

Add 3 tablespoons of honey and 2 tsp of cinnamon and stir well. Put the fat burning drink in a jar and keep it in the fridge. Take a teaspoon twice a day, along with your meals. Within 3 weeks your waist size will reduce significantly.

You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. – Best Herbal Health

You might also check this excellent article for how to lose weight with the help of olive oil – Only Pure Nature

Remove Those Annoying Dark Patches on The Neck, Underarms and Inner Thighs in 15 Minutes

Dark patches usually appear on the neck, armpits and inner thighs, due to waxing, shaving, using deodorants and even sun exposure.
Moreover, people suffering from obesity, diabetes or gastrointestinal or genitourinary cancers usually have dark spots of these areas on the skin, such as people who undergoing hormonal treatments.
People spend lots of money on beauty treatments, dermatologist or products that are promising dark spots elimination from the skin, but sometimes it can be only waist of time and money. We have three words to say to you:

Sodium Bicarbonate, Olive Oil and Salt

And say goodbye to all stains and feel comfortable in your skin again!
In the following article, we are offering you an easy, simple and inexpensive way, to restore optimal health  for your skin , to make it  look younger, bright and stains free.


  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda

Preparation method:

Mix all listed ingredients in a plastic bowl, until it becomes a smooth cream.
Then apply on the skin area where you have dark patches, leave it  for about 20 minutes and remove with plenty of cold water.
Another technique, for removing stains which are almost black is by using white clay, milk and lemon.
Put the white clay into a bowl and mix it with milk and lemon, apply on the affected area and leave it for about 15 minutes, then wash it with cold water.


  • Perform the chosen treatment 3 times a week, until the stains disappears.
  • Avoid sun exposure without using appropriate cream with UV protection during this treatment;
  • Drink plenty of water and eat foods rich in vitamin E;
  • Olive oil must be extra virgin;
  • The salt have to be sea salt;
  • Use preferably skim milk;
  • Optionally, you can add a little coconut oil
You can’t miss this opportunity to break free of dark spots on the skin with this natural recipe.

brushing teeth with sea salt benefits

Whether you’re cued in to the health hazards of commercial toothpastes, or just looking for some bi-weekly TLC to add to your dental discipline, brushing your pearly whites with some sea salt and/or baking soda is a safe and natural way to ensure strong teeth and gums, break down plaque buildup, and protect against bad breath. Either used alone or together, sea salt and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) are inexpensive, time-tested treatments for tooth care.
Let’s Talk Sea Salt
Calcium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, sodium, nickel, iron—just a few of many trace elements and minerals found in sea salt. These nutrients strengthen gums, protect against tarter and bad breath, and may even whiten your teeth over time. High in iodine, sea salt has antibacterial properties and helps neutralize acids in the mouth. Salt makes you salivate, and your saliva creates an antibacterial barrier that protects your enamel.
You can either dip a wet toothbrush  into a half teaspoon of sea salt and brush your teeth as you regularly would…or you can rinse with a saltwater solution. Mix a half teaspoon of sea salt with four ounces of warm water. Let the salt dissolve, and then slosh the solution around in your mouth for 30 seconds. Be sure to spit and not swallow when done! A saltwater rinse helps allay swollen, inflamed gums and rinses away bacteria in the mouth.

Let’s Talk Baking Soda
Baking soda has long been praised as the natural way to whiten teeth. It’s gritty enough to clean your teeth of tarter and plaque without being so abrasive that it wears away your tooth enamel.
Sodium bicarbonate is highly alkaline, and as such counteracts acids in the mouth (acids cause tooth decay), kills bacteria and germs, and combats bad breath.
You can mix baking soda with water into a paste-like consistency to clean teeth. Or you can combine baking soda and salt to make your own homemade toothpaste. If you aren’t comfortable ditching your traditional toothpaste entirely, brush with sea salt and baking soda once or twice a week as supplemental dental care.
Are there any side effects to be wary of? According to Dr. Paul H. Keyes D.D.S., clinical investigator at the National Institute of Dental Research, NO! Keyes maintains, “Over the years when I was lecturing, I asked thousands of dentists and hygienists to raise their hands if they had ever seen destructive periodontal disease in person[s] who had regularly brushed with salt and/or [baking] soda. I have never seen a hand! And although I have not seen many such cases, the periodontal health in these patients has always been excellent.”

This Magical Ingredient Will Destroy Plaque, Tartar and Kill Harmful Bacteria in Your Mouth

Oil pulling is an old remedy which includes natural substances to clean and detoxify teeth and gums. It can whiten teeth naturally and improve gums health while removing harmful bacteria.
People who have tried oil pulling say it also helped them with skin conditions, arthritis, asthma, headaches, hormone imbalances, infections, liver problems and more. However, your oral health will be improved, with less sensitive teeth and gums, and whiter teeth.
How to perform oil pulling?
It is incredibly simple. Swish a couple teaspoons of vegetable based oil, such as coconut, sesame or olive oil in the mouth for 20 minutes. Then, spit it out and rinse well.  This method is best done in the morning, before eating or drinking. Also it can be done before each meal in case of more dangerous infections or dental problems.
  1. Put 1-2 teaspoons of the chosen oil into the mouth.
  2. Swish for 20 minutes. The timing is important because this period of 20 minutes is long enough to break through plaque and bacteria. The oil will get thicker and milky and it should be creamy-white when spit out.
  3. Spit oil into the trash can instead into the sink. Also, do not swallow the oil because it is full of bacteria, toxins and pus that are not in the mouth anymore.
  4. Rinse well with lukewarm water.
  5. Finally, brush well.
You may find it difficult at the beginning to keep a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, but you will get used to it after the first few minutes. You mouth will be cleaner and fresher after every oil pulling. After a week, your smile will be visibly whiter and brighter.
Additional Tip:
You can add few drops of essential oil to the oil you are using for oil pulling to improve the taste. You can use essential ols that are naturally found in toothpaste, such as: peppermint, cinnamon, clove, etc.
Pregnant women should first consult their doctor before trying this.
How does oil pulling work?
Your body stores toxins in your salivary glands. When you oil pull, you increase the production of saliva and the toxins in your saliva get trapped in the oil, which you spit at the end.
Coconut oil is antibacterial and has a milder taste in comparison with other oils. Also, it is often recommended by oral health experts.
With oil pulling your teeth will be whiter and smoother. Moreover you will not notice or have any plaque on your teeth.
Oil pulling is an extraordinary helpful procedure that has been used in India for ages as a traditional remedy to:
  • Cure tooth decay
  • Kill bad breath
  • Heal bleeding gums
  • Prevent heart disease
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Whiten teeth
  • Soothe throat dryness
  • Prevent cavities
  • Heal cracked lips
  • Boost Immune System
  • Improve acne
  • Strengthen gums and jaw
Maybe the best oil to be used for this procedure is coconut oil. It has been showed that it is able to:
  • Balance hormones
  • Kill candida
  • Improve digestion
  • Moisturize skin
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Decrease wrinkles and age spots
  • Balance blood sugar and boosts energy
  • Improve Alzheimer’s
  • Increase HDL and lower LDL cholesterol
  • Burn fat
Coconut oil is highly absorbable, so you can get many of these benefits only by oil pulling.If you haven’t tried oil pulling yet, I suggest you try it today.
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