Friday, September 30, 2016

Old German Remedy for Cleansing the Arteries

Today, we will reveal the recipe of an incredible old German recipe that will effectively cleanse your arteries, and will inhibit calcification.  Apart from these primary uses, it contains powerful natural ingredients that will positively affect your overall health.

  • 1 smaller piece of ginger root
  • 4 unpeeled lemons (if possible, organic)
  • 4 large garlic cloves (not Chinese)
  • 2 liters (½ gallon) water
Method of preparation:
Wash the lemons and the ginger, chop them in pieces and place them in a blender. Then, peel the garlic and add it to the other ingredients in the blender. Mix them well and then pour the prepared mixture in a bowl.
Add the water to it and put the mixture over heat. Remove it just before it boils and let it cool. As soon as it is cool enough, strain it using a medium strainer.
The remedy should be kept in the fridge in glass bottles.
Remember that you need to shake the bottle with the recipe before each use. Half a cup of this amazing recipe should be consumed on an empty stomach or at least 2 hours before meals.
Repeat this procedure for three weeks, and make a week- pause. Then, if needed, you can repeat the treatment once more.
Note: You should not worry about the garlic smell, as it is neutralized during the preparation process.


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