Tuesday, September 27, 2016

This Is What Happens When You Drink Only Water For 30 Days

#1 Water: The Key To Life

People often forget the simplest things. Water, the key to all life. 90% of your body is water. The healthiest thing to drink is not juice, or smoothies or protein shakes- it's water.

#2 It Increases Your Metabolism

Drinking as much water as possible boosts your metabolism by up to 24%. Drink ice cold water for best results.

#3 Water Causes Weight Loss

Not only does water not have any sugar, it also cleans out your entire body. Drinking tons of water flushes your body of all those nasty toxins, and other things that contribute to weight gain.

#4 Water Increases Bone Strength

Water increases bone strength by adding a protective barrier around them, and strengthening cartilage. It also increases flexibility and keeps the connective tissue strong.

#5 Water Keeps The Heart Healthy

Water prevents your blood from getting too thick, making heart attacks less of a threat. Water also decreases your risk of stroke.

#6 The Aging Process Slows

Water helps to slow down the aging process. It really makes the skin healthy and young looking. One forty year old woman removed all the bags under her eyes and wrinkles by drinking 3 liters of water per day.

#7 Water Is Great For Your Brain

A recent study showed that drinking 8 to 10 cups of water a day can increase your brain power by up to 30%. The study showed that water makes you brain stronger, faster, and smarter.


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